2016-09-03 - 1. FCI Derby-CSV-Show - Freudenberg am Main

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Judge:Daiva Rimaityte (LT)
Tanja Wächter (DE)
Show date:03/09/2016
Submitted by:Margo
Submitted on:05/09/2016
Baby (3-6 months)
 1. Garou Vlčí tlapkavery promissing
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Ivo vom Dreiburgenblickvery promissing
 2. Radogost II z Peronówki FCIvery promissing
 3. Fendo the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegasvery promissing
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Amoux vom Schreiners Brünnele (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellentBOS
 2. Hrašek vom Dreiburgenblick (MIX: Saarloos?)excellent
 3. Quartz Black sea Wolfdog (MIX: Saarloos?)very good
Open class
 1. Freybug Anteros II z Peronówki FCIexcellent
 2. Isegrim von der Wolfsschleifeexcellent
 3. Flirt od Starkej (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellent
 4. Feivel from Bandit's Worldexcellent
 . Cirion Potomok vlkovexcellent
 . Nikolaj Zlatá Palzexcellent
 . Crying Wolf (MIX: Saarloos?) Darkyexcellent
 . Anuk Atius Tirawaexcellent
 . Cassian vom Dreiburgenblickvery good
 . Gadi von Keschlavery good
Veteran class
 1. Eso spod Ďumbieraexcellent
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Eyzah z Molu Es (_?)excellent
 2. Ahyoka-Aschira vom Schreiners Brünnele (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)excellent
 . Grigjago-Chumani von der Wolfspfote (_?)very good
Middle class
 1. Łojma II z Peronówki FCIexcellent
Open class
 1. Jinkaï Belle de la Terre d'Argent (MIX: Saarloos!)excellentBOB
 2. Nedyalka Zlatá Palzexcellent
 3. Ilva II z Peronówki FCIexcellent
 4. Ayasha Atius Tirawaexcellent
 . Itake Vieno kraujoexcellent
 . Honey Spirit of the Wolfexcellent
 . Aileen Lupina Chaosvery good
 . Fiyuna vom Dreiburgenblickvery good
 . Carlotta vom Dreiburgenblickvery good
 . Cheyenne II od Úhoštěgood
Veteran class
 1. Ayla Midgårdhusexcellent