2019-08-04 - Nationale Rassehundeausstellung - Hude

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Keurmeester:John Muldoon (IR)
Show datum:04/08/2019
Submitted by:23011086
Submitted on:12/08/2019
Puppy (6-9 maanden)
 1. Blade Wolf of Mystikaveel belovend
Middle class
 1. Imagine Dragon from Bandit's WorlduitmuntendBOB, CAC, VDH-ChA
Open klasse
 1. Fares Kjell Grey Diamonduitmuntend
Puppy (6-9 maanden)
 1. Bonja Wolf of Mystikaveel belovend
 2. Blaze Wolf of Mystikaveel belovend
Open klasse
 1. Baranya Panera Kalimero Bohemica (MIX: AWD! Saarloos?)uitmuntendBOS, CAC, VDH-ChA
 2. Aria di Tempesta -Aniwaya-uitmuntendres. CAC, res. VDH-ChA