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Old 15-03-2002, 11:05   #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 50
Default 15000 Euros


We would never pay 1 500 Euros for a dog - at once! When we purchased our dogs we
paid the standard price. However, we have to admit that owning these CsVs has cost us
much more. Say, we needed to buy an own house, big car box, good garden fence,
kennel; and the dogs have caused some damage too. You may be amused to hear about
things they have destroyed: many kind of cables, one mobile phone, 3 car safety
belts, two oriental carpets, curtains, wooden door frames, wooden balcony fence, one
metal cup board, several clothes, different kind of plants, one apple tree and
several other items. And of cause there are vet bills, training costs and all these
normal things every dog owner must pay. So, it hasn't been totally inexpensive hobby
to keep these dogs, but extremely interesting and rewarding one. We love the breed,
they are so intelligent: our dogs can open every door (the male even with a key if it
is in the hole - what a genius!) and window in our house, that's why we needed to buy
the kennel where they can be while alone at home. Further we have to add, that since
they have been in the kennel while alone, no damage has been done.

Minna and Risto
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