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Old 21-01-2010, 16:42   #53
z Peronówki
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Originally Posted by Monika View Post
The bonitacion in Osiezna is on same level for Czech Club, like bonitacion in Pózno, for example for better understanding.

I not understand well Margo ´s " brainwashing " but this is normal for me.

Bonitacion in Osiezna was made by Czech Judge and keep Czech rules.

Margo is last person, who can to say if the bonitacion valid or not.

Strangres bonitacion for Czech club not are valid for memebers of Czech Club, only. The member of Czech Club can pass bonitacion in Osiezna :0) Pózno or Serramazzoni but this bonitacion isn´ t enough for czech breeding!
Czech owner must to pass for breeding Czech KCHCSV bonitacion, only!

And strangers NOT NEED this FOR BREEDING! This acction is OPTIONAL!
You go with your dogs on bonitacion when you want, only and when you think, he can pass well it.... And you breed CSWs without bonitacion, too!

SO what happened Margo, somebody took the toys?

I know the rules and my rights very well.

Who goes those rules you only .. you have no right to say that bonitacion are valid and the dog is good stud dog, or not!
Everyone can read, knows where the bonitacion done and by whom. There are also videos. Just make a valid entry, and without comment, if you want to inform correctly.
Bonitace can be never exactly the same. The conditions are different, Judge, rules and helper .. implementation. Slovak temperament test is another test ... Italy is different too....But this is not problem, for me surely.
Please let to say the Judge his opinion.
Everyone can read and knows where and by whom was the bonitacion done this is same like different HD results!

We can read and nobody need your explanation! Thanks!

For me such lack of knowledge in UNIMAGINABLE for a (so called) experienced breeder and FCI JUDGE! What I see here is PURE EMBARRASSMENT.

1. LIE:
Do not compare Osieczna with bonitation in Pozna, France or Italy. Because Osieczna was made according not existing rules (NOT CZECH). The other were made STRICTLY keeping to slovakian or czech rules.

2. LIE:
Bonitation in Osieczna do not keep to the Czech rules. You, FCI and CLUB JUDGE, should know that the regulation DO NOT SAY that the bonitation is "something what happend when dog is measured, character is checked and someone is shooting". NO!!! So before you will start to write us another fairy-tales READ FINALLY THE REGULATION OF YOUR OWN CLUB!:

*** "Bonitace jsou pořádány v souladu s ročním plánem chovatelských akcí klubu a jejich termín musí být uveden v oběžníku klubu. Místo a datum konání bonitace navrhuje pobočka a schvaluje je výbor chovatelského klubu."
Translation: Bonitation must be included in the year-long plan and the places must be listed in the club bulletin. Place and date is suggested by the branch of the club and approved by the board of the club.

NOBODY knew about the bonitation in Osieczna. It was not listed - nor on the web pages neither in the club newpaper.
CONCLUSION: The bonitation was not made by the Czech Club.

*** "Bonitační komise je nejméně tří členná. Tvoří ji: posuzovatel pro exteriér, poradce chovu a vedoucí bonitace."
Translation: bonitation comittee is made up at last of three people. It is made by: judge for exterier, breeding comittee member and person leading the bonitation.

In the bonitation in Osieczna was ONLY YOU. Where (who) was the breeding comittee member? Who was the person leading the bonitation. On the cards there are only your signs.
CONCLUSION: There was no VALID bonitation comittee.

*** During the club conference which took place on 14.6.2008 since 2009 the bvonitation code MUST include the indexes.

If you want to make bonitations you should READ and KNOW the regulations because NON of the bonitation you made abroad have it. Also the bonitation codes from Osieczna are not valid according the Czech rules...

CONCLUSION: There was no VALID bonitation codes.


There is more dear FCI judge.... The results of the bonitation in Osieczna were written bonitation cards singed with "Klub Hodowcow Czechoslowackiego Wilczaka" (translation: Club of the breeders of Czechoslovakian Wolfdog). WE DO NOT HAVE ANY FCI CLUB for CzW in Poland. So the club listed there is for 100% NON FCI. You, dear FCI judge, you should know IT IS VORBIDDEN for FCI judges to judge during NON FCI meeetings... The cards are FAKE - singed by NON-FCI (or non-existing) CLUB!!!

If the club listed there is real - could you be also so nice to give us the names of the people who made this FAKE club so we could hold them responsible for it?

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