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Old 16-03-2009, 22:02   #7
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Originally Posted by Per Olav View Post
The Norwegian Government did by 2004 issue a ban on the Czeschoslovakian Wolfdog and the American Staffordshire Terrier which are not allowed to import, keep or breed as the dogs are considered dangerous. In the last weeks Norwegian Media a new debate on the ban has arissen. The owners of the Amstaff Majlo - a young Swedish couple - left Sweden for new jobs in Norway. The couple claiming unaware of the Norwegian ban crossed the border accompanied by their pet. Some time later the police broke into their apartment and removed the dog. Fearing the owners would kidnap it the police brought the animal to secret rescue and the owners have to pay approx 400 euro for seeing their dog on a meeting place far away from the unknown shelter.

According to Norwegian law the couple should have been rejected by the border control not permitted to enter Norway accompanied by the dog. In this case something went terribly wrong and most likely the dog will be put to death even if the couple is willing to leave their home and quit their Norwegian employment by returning to Sweden with the pet.

I therefore strongly advice my fellow csv owners not to cross the Norwegian border accompanied by a csv, not even for hollidays. It may be killed just by beeing a dog.
the couple need good solisitor to get reprieve for this dog, it is obvious a genuine mistake on the owners behalf that they where not aware of the law, but it was serious mistake by the border patrol to have let the dog enter Norway, the solisitor should explane what has happened putting the blame soley onto the border patrol, they should ask that the dog be taken back to the border and handed over to the owners so they can rehome it, it must be made very clear that the border patrol failed to do there job correctly, if they had of the owners could have returned the dog to Sweden and this mess would never of happened. it is sad the complete encompedence of the border patrol could cost this dog its life. have you the address of the people to legally contact on this matter? regards pacino
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