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Old 09-09-2008, 04:21   #115
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Originally Posted by *Satu View Post
No no no. It take over 48 hours driving one way over 2000km and one week... normal is over 5000km one trip

and after all I think why?
5.000km is a normal dogshow/workingtrial trip , for I back from São Paulo ( where I stop in airport) to Rio grande do Sul ( where I live) is about 1500km. but I have no idea how many kilometer are São Paulo > germany.
Being a survivor of Q class for 9 hours

Well, I have no doubt's about why I do it and why I intend repeat it for bring new bloodlines to my country, I love this breed since I was child and they're all I have ever wait, for ME the perfect dog breed, healthiest in comparation with any other dog breed of the same group, extremly workable, excelent behaviour and with everything good and usefull wolves have like endurance, agility and inteligence. I'm sure that here more people share the same opinion as me in this point, but this is a personal opinion.
Unhapply we all know that this breed isn't easy to select because high inbreeding spreaded, only 5 bloodlines is to little ammount for a breed like that, luckly the breed still isn't popular and so this turn the CzW world breed pretty little, everyone well informed try to knows what everyones do, that happen because every unique good blooded litter have such importance to the breed worldwide that turn important for every good breeder know how the puppies developed, if they're healty and where they are, maybe for future use sometimes.

In truth and in my very personal opinion is simply unbeliveable how can someone think in put outside breeding a healty, wolfish, tipical, correct stud with unique bloodline because 1 centimeter in a breed wich need's genetic diversity! It's something I cannot cope, I really must greetings the judge Oskár Dór for the great common sense and future sight he have, we need more judges able and with such knowledge like he!
People, czwchoslovakian wolfdogs arent german shepherds wich we can put outside breeding because behaviour problems, because something not good on standard, we dont have such genetic pool!!
Iran zemplinska Oblast is for me a good exemple of how big waste can be put outbreeding a dog because a little defect, he is a beauty blood refreshment for a good number of CzW, believe me or not futurelly dogs like he will make difference and nobody will complain with his 64cm and brown eyes.
Suppose we start now to follow a rigorous selection, only dogs at standard can mate and any dog, independent of past and lines, that have problems wich isn't write on standard or that was write on the old breed book will be put out of reprodutcion because are dogs disqualified as stud... how many work breeders will have for end with the same problem?
We will put outside reproduction a dog with new bloodline because he was 64 or 63cm, prognat maybe, and so? we will lost some well done bloodlines because stupid selection, inbreeding tends to increase and these same problems wich was avoided by selection will start appear again, like prognatism, less high and so on, remembering that the dogs will tend to comes with illness bonus because less genetic diversity, less imunity,less fertility, homozigosis in recessive bad genes... will it be good? woudn't be better, use carefully a unique bloodlined dog for up the genetic pool even if this dog isn't the "standard", but still preserve tipicity?
I really dont bother if the dog have such little problems for the standard when I will chose a stud dog, for me important is bring new and healthy open bloodlines, after this problem be solved and we have better genetic diversity we will have time to work in details selection and turn it better and better.. otherwise it will be impossible if we start already now with a rigorous selection, now when we have no conditions to do it.

Continues working serious and independand of where you live you will help in the evolution of the breed, want's better excuse for accept travel far away only for mate dogs or bring new bloodline?

Really, this isn't the first topic I see Czech people saying that Czech bonitation or Czech club is better or more rigorous than Slovakians, I can say that this pass a really bad image of the Czech Club even for who not know Czech Club and his rules personally (like me), seems that Slovak club is so superior and self-secure that don't need bother writing who is the best. I have nothing against Czech or Slovaks, please, I know have excelents breeders in the two sides as pretty serious work, but is what it seems for who read it from outside, so, please, try avoid comments like that.

best regards to everyone and please, think in the poor souls wich live far away and depend of Bonitations, photos and more relyabe informations about the dogs before think in make a big travel for try a mate.
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