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Old 08-06-2008, 11:43   #34
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Originally Posted by rolf View Post
I don`t understand what you mean ? ....If I have understod this right, you can get CACT(certificate for working class) when passing SVP1-3 and this give your dog right to attend working-class at dogshows.
You asked about certificate, and its not the same thing as CACT or CACIT.

CACT gets the best dog in every cathegory. But certificate gets every dog who made for example IPO... Ask at you kennel club about the diference, they shoul give you better answer. You mixed this two terms together.
In CZ, CACT for SVP1 doesn't mean anything for going to dogshows to the working class. SVP1 is simply too low rated. But, if you want, you can collect several CACT and become Champion of Work. But you don't get Czech Champion for CACT from Slovakia.

About 40km run - I think its too low. If you want certificate for proving endurace of a dog, try to stand for higher rate.
My dog have done ZVP1 and ZVP2 and both without training - i just take my bicycle, my dog and that was all.
But 40km in 4 hours should't be nothing for good dog with good natural endurance. When we finished 40km, my dog wanted wather, 20minutes of rest and than played with others.
70km, well, that's another cup of tea, my dog was tired after we finished. Some of dogs have problem with finishing the ZVP2.

We have got White Switzerland Shepperd and also mixed malamut at ZVP1 and they have no problem with getting excellent mark. Do you still think that 40km is enough for getting certificate for CSW?

No offence (I hope you don't misunderstand me), but you didn't try SVP. I've done three of them with one dog. I know that for beginner looks 40km as a long way to go, but it isn't and shouldn't be for every CSW.
Certificate was meant for a dog that can do more than average dog of a breed. So if you want certificate for SVP2 or SVP3 I thing it's alright, but for SVP1 it would be degradation of endurance of CSW.
Also in SK you don't get the same type of certificate as for IPO1.

And you shold also know that for get the title champion at almost all countries, you don't need any certificate. I thing it's the point behind this all.
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