Wolfdog.org forum

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-   -   Language versions - translators wanted (http://www.wolfdog.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20836)

admin 06-09-2011 10:13

Language versions - translators wanted
As you can see we are starting to build the new site. At the moment all translations are missing. If you see a not translated sentence on your language version please send to me an email with the translation.

AS TOPIC write the language version (DE, EN, FR or Deutsch, English....)

A text write the "original English sentence and later the translated one. For example

Articles - Artikeln
Data base - Datenbank


admin 06-09-2011 10:15

Language versions
On the left site you can see all the 12 prepared language versions BUT if your language is not listed there AND you and your friends are interested in building Wolfdog.org version also in your language please contact us!

Shadowlands 06-09-2011 12:17

Today on the English version we have

Planowane mioty showing on the left hand side instead of Planned Litters

Morian 06-09-2011 13:25

gallery = Галерея
сoming litters = Планируемые пометы
dog shows = Выставки
articles = Статьи
сontact = Контакты

World of Czechoslovakian wolfdogs = Мир Чехословацких влчаков

Recent forum posts = Последние сообщения форума
Latest show results = Результаты выставок

i also see planowane mioty instead of планируемые пометы on the left sidebar

recent forum threads = Последние темы форума

Visit the forum = Войти на форум

Read discussion forum = Читать обсуждение на форуме

Check other dog shows = Больше результатов

Show all coming litters = Показать все пометы

Upcoming events = Планируемые события

Go to the events calendar = Просмотреть календарь событий

Photo of the moment = Cлучайное фото

Browse our photo gallery = Войти в галерею
(No. of photos: 152734) = Кол-во фото: 152734

In order to find a breeder please select Breeder from menu and enter his name or name of kennel. If you want to find information about specific wolfdog just select Dog and enter its name or the name of the kennel from which the dog comes. =
= Выберите Заводчик, чтобы найти заводчика, и впишите его имя или название питомника. Если Вы хотите найти информацию о конкретном влчаке, выберите Собака и введите имя собаки или питомника.

Found matches: = Найдено элементов:

Main data = Основная информация

General information = Общая информация

Breed: = Порода

Date of birth: = Дата рождения

Gender: = Пол

Male = Кобель

Female = Сука

Breeder: = Заводчик

Owner: = Владелец

Coat color: = Окрас

wolfish = волчий

Coat length: = Длина шерсти

short = короткая

Registration no.: = № регистрации

Pre-registration no.: = № родословной

Chip: = Микрочип

Breeding information = Информация о разведении

Approved for breeding: = Допущен к разведению

Height: Высота в холке

Bonitation code: Бонитировочный код

Index of height: Индекс роста

Index of format: Индекс формата

Index of head: Индекс головы

Wright coefficient: Коэффициент Райта

Line breeding: Линейное разведение

Blood lines: Линии

Summarized show titles = Суммарные оценки и титулы

Work = Работа

Work & training: Работа и дрессировка

health = Здоровье

Health information = Информация о здоровье

Eyes: Зрение

Hearth: heart may be? = Сердце

Dwarf: = Карликовость

pedigree = Родословная

offsprings = Потомки

No offsprings found in the database = Нет потомков в базе данных

admin 06-09-2011 14:50

Here is the more detailed list of the needed translations...

Puppy (6-9 months)
Champion class
Open class
Best Male
Best Female
very promissing
less promissing
Best Puppy
Best Junior
Youth Winner
Club Junior Winner
In order to find a breeder please select <b>Breeder</b> from menu and enter his name or name of kennel.
If you want to find information about specific wolfdog just select <b>Dog</b> and enter its name orthe name of the kennel from which the dog comes.
planned litters
coming litters
Show all coming litters
Latest show results
dog show
Check other dog shows
recent forum threads
Recent forum posts
Read discussion forum
visit forum
Upcoming events
Go to the events calendar
Photo of the moment
You are here
Main data
Owned dogs
Bred dogs
Show successes
Breeding info
World Winner
Dogs who have passed over the rainbow bridge
unknown date
You can add photos to the gallery by clicking here. You have to be registered in order to upload photos
Bonitation, HD, ED only for registered users
Name of the dog
Browse our photo gallery
No. of photos
Date of death
Coat length
Registration no.
Found matches
Database search
Owner name
Best youth female
Best youth male
Approved for breeding
Bonitation code
Index of height
Index of format
Index of head
Club Winner
very good
update info
wolfish brown-grey
wolfish unknown
wolfish silver-grey
GSD wolfish
wolfish dark grey
not showing
the breeder did not provide information about his litters
kennel inactive; no breeding female available
Blood lines
Recent forum posts by
CzW-like mixes breeder
Mutt (mixed-breed) - !!!do not use for breeding!!!
(possibly) a Wolfdog from Non-FCI kennel; with not recognized pedigree - !!!do not use for breeding!!!
non-FCI breeder
World Junior Winner
Best Baby
Class Winner
Derby Winner
Best Working dog
National Winner
Most Titled dog of the Year
Top Dog of the Year
Best Veteran
BIS 1. (Veteran)
No offsprings found in the database
Jugendsieger Berlin
Winner of Prag
Winner of Central and East Europe
Working class
Show results
Show date
Showed wolfdogs
Show name

Morian 06-09-2011 15:09

Puppy (6-9 months) = Щенки (6-9 месяцев)
Champion class = Класс Чемпионов
Open class = Открытый класс
excellent = отлично
Best Male = Лучший кобель
Best Female = Лучшая сука
promissing = перспективный
very promissing = очень перспективный
less promissing = неперспективный
Best Puppy = Лучший щенок
Best Junior = Лучший юниор
Youth Winner = Юный победитель
Club Junior Winner Юный победитель клуба

You are here = Вы здесь
Main data = Основная информация
Owned dogs = Владеет собаками
Bred dogs = Собаки из этого питомника
Show successes = Выставочные результаты

World Winner = Мировой победитель

Dogs who have passed over the rainbow bridge = Собаки, ушедшие за Радугу
unknown date = неизвестно
You can add photos to the gallery by clicking here. You have to be registered in order to upload photos = Вы можете добавить фото здесь. Вы должны быть зарегистрированы, чтобы добавлять фото.
Bonitation, HD, ED only for registered users = Бонитировка, HD, ED - только для зарегистрированных пользователей
Name of the dog = Имя собаки
Date of death = Дата смерти
Tattoo = Клеймо
Found matches = Найденные элементы
Database search = Поиск в базе данных
Owner name = Имя владельца
Best youth female = Лучший юниор-сука
Best youth male = Лучший юниор-кобель
Club Winner = Победитель клуба
Judge = Судья
good = хорошо
very good = очень хорошо
update info = Обновить информацию

wolfish brown-grey = волчий рыже-серый
wolfish = волчий
wolfish unknown = волчий неизвестный
wolfish silver-grey = волчий серебристо-серый
GSD wolfish = what colour do you mean by that??? :shock:
wolfish dark grey = волчий темно-серый
not showing = не показано
the breeder did not provide information about his litters = Заводчик не предоставляет информацию о пометах
kennel inactive; no breeding female available = Питомник неактивен; нет племенной суки
Blood lines = Кровные линии
unknown = неизвестно
Recent forum posts by = Последние темы форума от
CzW-like mixes breeder = Заводчик ЧСВ-подобных метисов
Mutt (mixed-breed) - !!!do not use for breeding!!! = Метис (нечистопородный) - !!!не используйте в разведении!!!
(possibly) a Wolfdog from Non-FCI kennel; with not recognized pedigree - !!!do not use for breeding!!! = (возможно) влчак из питомника вне FCI; неизвестная родословная - !!!не используйте в разведении!!!
non-FCI breeder = Заводчик не в системе FCI

World Junior Winner = Юный Мировой Победитель
Best Baby = Лучший бэби
Class Winner = Победитель класса
Best Working dog = Лучшая рабочая собака
National Winner = Национальный победитель
Most Titled dog of the Year = Самая титулованная собака года
Top Dog of the Year = Собака года
Best Veteran = Лучший ветеран
BIS 1. (Veteran) = BIS 1 (ветеран)

Working class = Рабочий класс
Show results = Результаты выставки
Show date = Дата выставки
Showed wolfdogs = Участвовавшие влчаки
Show name = Название выставки

the rest i've translated in my first post

admin 06-09-2011 16:51

GSD breeder
German Shepherd Dog
District Winner
long (coat)
half long
You have to be registered in order to upload photos
Contact languages
Kennel name
More contact info
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees
Coming litter:
Information about parents
Showing 1 to 30 of 4262 entries
Earliest date of pick up:
Show more information about this litter
This dog does not have any show titles yet...
Wolfdog's Gallery
All photos in the gallery
Photos: 4846
17001 wolfdogs, 8281 owners, 1948 breeders
Your current access level:
Winner of the European CsW Show
BOG 2. (Puppy)
BIS 2. (Baby)
BIS 1. (Veteran)
BOG 3. (Junior)
Poland Junior Winner
Poland Winner
Winner of Slovakia
Junior Winner of Slovakia
Winner of Prague
Winner of Berlin

Morian 06-09-2011 16:59

GSD breeder = Заводчик НО
German Shepherd Dog = НО
District Winner = Региональный победитель
long (coat) = длинная (шерсть)
half long = ?? about what???
You have to be registered in order to upload photos = Вы должны быть зарегистрированы, чтобы загружать фото
Contact languages = Языки общения
Kennel name = Название питомника
More contact info = Больше контактной информации
City = Город
Country = Страна
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees = Питомник разводит собак с родословными FCI (или признанными FCI)
Coming litter: = Планируемый помет
Photo: = Фото
Information about parents = Информация о родителях
Showing 1 to 30 of 4262 entries = Показаны 1-30 из 4262 записей
Earliest date of pick up: = Можно забрать не ранее:
Show more information about this litter = Показать больше информации о помете
This dog does not have any show titles yet... = Эта собака пока что не имеет выставочных титулов
Wolfdog's Gallery = Галерея Wolfdog
All photos in the gallery = Все фото в галерее
Photos: 4846 = Кол-во фото: 4846
17001 wolfdogs, 8281 owners, 1948 breeders = 17001 влчаков, 8281 владельцев, 1948 заводчиков
Your current access level: = Ваш текущий уровень доступа
Winner of the European CsW Show = Победитель Европейской выставки Чехословацких влчаков
BOG 2. (Puppy) = BOG 2. (щенки)
BIS 2. (Baby) = BIS 2. (бэби)
BIS 1. (Veteran) = BIS 1. (ветераны)
BOG 3. (Junior) = BOG 3. (юниоры)
Poland Junior Winner = Юный Победитель Польши
Poland Winner = Победитель Польши
Winner of Slovakia = Победитель Словакии
Junior Winner of Slovakia = Юный Победитель Словакии
Winner of Prague = Победитель Праги
Winner of Berlin = Победитель Берлина

Tuky 06-09-2011 21:52

Spanish = Español

Puppy (6-9 months) = Cachorro ( 6 - 9 meses)
Champion class = Clase Campeón
Open class = Clase Abierta
excellent = Excelente
Best Male = Mejor Macho
Best Female = Mejor Hembra
promissing = Prometedor
very promissing = Muy prometedor
less promissing = poco prometedor
Best Puppy= Mejor Cachorro
Best Junior = Mejor Joven
Youth Winner = Ganador Joven
Club Junior Winner = Ganador del club joven
In order to find a breeder please select <b>Breeder</b> from menu and enter his name or name of kennel. = Con el fin de encontrar un criador por favor seleccione <b> Criador </ b> desde el menú e introduzca su nombre o nombre del criadero.
If you want to find information about specific wolfdog just select <b>Dog</b> and enter its name orthe name of the kennel from which the dog comes. = Si desea encontrar información sobre un Perro Lobo específico sólo tienes que seleccionar <b> perro </ b> e introduzca su nombre o el nombre del criadero del que procede.
planned litters = Camadas Planeadas
coming litters = Proximas camadas I'm not sure of this translation
Show all coming litters = Mostrar todas las próximas camadas
Latest show results = Mostrar últimos resultados
dog show = Exposición canina
Check other dog shows = Comprobar otras exposiciones
recent forum threads = Temas recientes en el foro
Recent forum posts = Mensajes recientes en el foro
Read discussion forum = lea la discusion del foro
visit forum = visita del foro
Upcoming events = próximos eventos
Go to the events calendar = Ir al calendario de eventos
Photo of the moment = Foto del momento
You are here = Tú estas aquí
Main data = Datos Principales
Owned dogs = Propietario / dueño de los perros
Bred dogs = Perros Criados
Show successes = Éxitos en las exposiciones
Breeding info = Información de la cría /crianza
Shows = Esposiciones
Work = Trabajo
Health = Salud
Offsprings = Descendientes
World Winner = Campeón del Mundo
Dogs who have passed over the rainbow bridge = Los perros que han pasado por el puente de arco iris
unknown date = fecha desconocida
You can add photos to the gallery by clicking here. You have to be registered in order to upload photos = Puedes agregar fotos a la galería haciendo clic aquí. Tienes que estar registrado para subir las fotos
Bonitation, HD, ED only for registered users = Bonitation, HD, ED sólo para usuarios registrados
Name of the dog = Nombre del perro
Breeder = criador
Gender = genero
Browse our photo gallery = Ver la galería de fotos
No. of photos = Nº de fotos
Date of death = Fecha de la muerte
Coat length = Longitud de pelaje
short = corto
Registration no. = nº de registro
Tattoo = Tatuaje
Found matches = se han encontrado coincidencias
Database search = Búsqueda en la base de datos
Owner name = Numbre del propietario
male = Macho
female = Hembra
Best youth female = mejor hembra joven
Best youth male = mejor macho joven
Approved for breeding = aprobado para la cría
Height = Altura
Bonitation code = Código de bonitation / bonificación
Index of height = Índice de altura
Index of format = Índice de formato
Index of head = Índice de la cabeza
Club Winner = Ganador del club
YES = si
NO = no
Judge = juez
good = bueno
very good = muy bueno
update info
Eyes = ojos
Heart = corazón
Dwarf = enano
wolfish brown-grey = lobuno /lobo gris-marrón
wolfish = lobuno /lobo
wolfish unknown = lobuno /lobo desconocido
wolfish silver-grey = lobuno /lobo gris-plata
GSD wolfish = lobuno /lobo GSD
wolfish dark grey = lobuno /lobo gris oscuro
not showing = no expuesto
the breeder did not provide information about his litters = el criador no ha facilitado información sobre sus camadas

kennel inactive; no breeding female available = Criadero inactivo, sin hembras reproductoras disponibles
Blood lines = lineas de sangre
unknown = desconocido
Recent forum posts by = Mensajes recientes en el foro por
CzW-like mixes breeder = Criador con cruces de PLC
Mutt (mixed-breed) - !!!do not use for breeding!!! = Mutara (mestizos) -¡ No utilizar para la cría!
(possibly) a Wolfdog from Non-FCI kennel; with not recognized pedigree - !!!do not use for breeding!!! = (posiblemente) un perro lobo de criadero ​​no-FCI; con pedigrí no reconocido - ¡¡no utilizar para la cría!!
non-FCI breeder = criador no-FCI
World Junior Winner = Campeón del mundo joven
Best Baby = Mejor Bebe / muy cachorro
Class Winner = ganador de la clase
Derby Winner = ganador del Derby
Best Working dog = Mejor perro de trabajo
National Winner = Campeón nacional
Most Titled dog of the Year = Perro más titulado del año
Top Dog of the Year = Mejor perro del año
Best Veteran = Mejor veterano
BIS 1. (Veteran) = BIS 1. (Veterano)
No offsprings found in the database = no se encuentran descendientes en la base de datos
Jugendsieger Berlin = Campeón joven de Berlin
Winner of Prag = Ganador de Praga
Winner of Central and East Europe = Ganador de centro y Europa del este
Working class = Clase trabajo
Show results = resultados de la exposición
Show date = fecha de la exposición
Showed wolfdogs = perros lobos mostrados
Show name = Nombre de la Exposición

Tuky 06-09-2011 22:13

GSD breeder = criador de PA
German Shepherd Dog = Pastor Aleman
District Winner = Ganador del distrito
long (coat) = largo (capa / manto)
half long = medio tiempo
You have to be registered in order to upload photos = Tienes que estar registrado para subir fotos
Contact languages = Idiomas de contacto
Kennel name = Nombre criadero
More contact info = para más información pongase en contacto
City = ciudad
Country = pais
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees = Criadero con perros de cria registrados en pedigree FCI (o reconocido)
Coming litter: Proxima camada
Photo: = Foto
Information about parents = Información sobre los padres
Showing 1 to 30 of 4262 entries = Mostrando 1 a 30 de 4262 entradas
Earliest date of pick up: Primera fecha de recogida
Show more information about this litter = mostrar mas información de esta camada
This dog does not have any show titles yet... = Este perro no tiene títulos todavía ...
Wolfdog's Gallery = Galería de Wolfdog
All photos in the gallery = Todas las fotos en la galería
Photos: 4846 = Fotos: 4846
17001 wolfdogs, 8281 owners, 1948 breeders = 17001 Perros Lobos, 8281 Dueños, 1948 Criadores
Your current access level = Su nivel de acceso actual
Winner of the European CsW Show = Campeón de la monografica del PLC europea
BOG 2. (Puppy) = BOG 2. (cachorro)
BIS 2. (Baby) = BIS 2. (bebe/muy cachorro)
BIS 1. (Veteran) = BIS 1. (veterano)
BOG 3. (Junior) = BOG 3 (joven)
Poland Junior Winner = campeon joven de polonia
Poland Winner = campeon de polonia
Winner of Slovakia = Campeon de Eslovaquia
Junior Winner of Slovakia = Campeon joven de Eslovaquia
Winner of Prague = Ganador de Praga
Winner of Berlin = Ganador de Berlin

wolfin 06-09-2011 23:05

Gallery - Galerija
Coming litters –planuojamos vados
Dog shows –šunų parodos
Articles -straipsniai
Contact -kontaktai

World of Czechoslovakian wolfdogs –Čekoslovakų vilkšunių pasaulis
Recent forum posts –naujausi pranešimai forume
Latest show results paskutiniai parodų rezultatai
Recent forum threads naujausia tema forume
Visit the forum aplankyti forumą
Read discussion forum skaityti forumo diskusijas
Check other dog shows –Tikrinti kitas šunų parodas
Show all coming litters- parodyti visas planuojamas vadas
Upcoming events –artėjantys įvykiai
Go to the events calendar –eiti į įvykių kalendorių
Photo of the moment –akimirkos nuotrauka
Browse our photo gallery –įeiti į galeriją
(No. of photos: 152734) Nuotraukos nr.
In order to find a breeder please select Breeder from menu and enter his name or name of kennel. If you want to find information about specific wolfdog just select Dog and enter its name or the name of the kennel from which the dog comes.

Jei norite rasti veisėją, meniu pasirinkite Veisėjas ir įrašykite jo vardą arba veislyno pavadinnimą. Jei norite rasti informaciją apie konkretų vilkšunį pasirinkite Šuo ir įveskite jo vardą arba šio šuns veislyno pavadinimą.
Found matches: rasta atitikmenų
Main data – bendra informacija or bendra info
General information-pagrindinė informacija pagrindinė info
Breed: -veislė
Date of birth: gimimo data
Gender: lytis
Male -šuo
Breeder:- veisėjas
Owner: -savininkas
Coat color:-kailio spalva
Coat length:-kailio ilgis
middle long-vidutinio ilgio
Registration no.: -registracijos nr.
Previous registration numbers: pirminis registracijos numeris
Chip: -mikročipas
Breeding -veisimas
Approved for breeding: leidimas veistis
Height at withers: aukštis ties ketera
Bonitation code: bonitacijos kodas
Index of height: aukščio indeksas
Index of format: format indeksas
Index of head: galvos indeksas
Wright coefficient: wright’o koeficientas
Line breeding: linijinis veisimas
Blood lines: kraujo linija
Summarized show titles – visi parodų titulai
Work -dresūra
Work & training-dresūra ir treniruotės
Health -sveikata
Health information informacija apie sveikatą
Eyes: akys
Heart: širdis
Dwarf: dvarfizmas
Pedigree -kilmė
Offsprings -palikuonys
No offsprings found in the database duomenų bazėje palikuonių nerasta
Puppy (6-9 months)- šuniukai (6-9 mėnesiai)
Champion class čempionų klasė
Open class atvira klasė
excellent puikiai
Best Male geriausias patinas
Best Female geriausia kalė
promising perspektyvus
very promising labai perspektyvus
less promising mažai perspektyvus
Best Puppy geriausias mažylis
Best Junior geriausias jaunimas
Youth Winner jaunimo nugalėtojas
Club Junior Winner klubo jaunimo nugalėtojas
In order to find a breeder please select <b>Breeder</b> from menu and enter his name or name of kennel.
If you want to find information about specific wolfdog just select <b>Dog</b> and enter its name orthe name of the kennel from which the dog comes.

Jei norite rasti veisėją, meniu pasirinkite Veisėjas ir įrašykite jo vardą arba veislyno pavadinnimą. Jei norite rasti informaciją apie konkretų vilkšunį pasirinkite Šuo ir įveskite jo vardą arba šio šuns veislyno pavadinimą.
planned litters –planuojamos vados
coming litters būsimos vados
Show all coming litters- parodyti visas būsimas vadas
Latest show results- paskutiniai parodų rezultatai
dog show šunų paroda
Check other dog shows žiūrėti kitas šunų parodas
recent forum threads naujausia tema forume
Recent forum posts naujausias pranešimas forume
Read discussion forum skaityti diskusijų forumą
visit forum lankytis forume
Upcoming events artėjantys įvykiai
Go to the events calendar eiti į įvykių kalendorių
Photo of the moment akimirkos nuotrauka or akimirkos fotografija or akimirkos foto
You are here jūs esate čia
Main data bendra informacija bendra info
Owned dogs turimi šunys
Bred dogs išveisti šunys
Show successes parodų laimėjimai
Breeding info veisimo informacija or veisimo info
Shows parodos
Work dresūra
Health sveikata
Offsprings palikuonys
World Winner pasaulio nugalėtojas
Dogs who have passed over the rainbow bridge- šunys, kurie anapus vaivorykštės
unknown date nežinoma informacija
You can add photos to the gallery by clicking here. You have to be registered in order to upload photos jūs galite pridėti nuotrauką į galerija paspausdami čia. Jūs turite būti prisiregistravę norėdami įkelti nuotrauką
Bonitation, HD, ED only for registered users bonitacija HD, ED tik registruotiems vartotojams
Name of the dog šuns vardas
Breeder veisėjas
Gender lytis
Browse our photo gallery įeiti į nuotraukų galeriją
No. of photos nuotraukos nr.
Date of death mirties data
Coat length kailio ilgis
short trumpas
Registration no. registracijos nr.
Tattoo tatiuruotė
Found matches rasta atitikmenų
Database search duomenų bazės paieška
Owner name savininko vardas
male šuo
female kalė
Best youth female geriausia jaunimo kalė
Best youth male geriausias jaunimo patinas
Approved for breeding leidimas veistis
Height aukštis
Bonitation code bonitacijos kodas
Index of height aukščio indeksas
Index of format format indeksas
Index of head galvos indeksas
Club Winner klubo nugalėtojas
Judge teisėjas
good gerai
very good labai gerai
update info –atnaujinti informaciją
Eyes akys
Heart širdis
Dwarf dvarfizmas
wolfish brown-grey – vilko gelsvai pilka
wolfish- vilko
wolfish unknown – vilko nežinoma
wolfish silver-grey vilko sidabro pilka
GSD wolfish- VA pilka
wolfish dark grey vilko tamsiai pilka
not showing- nėra duomenų
the breeder did not provide information about his litters- veisėjas nepateikė informacijos apie savo vadas
kennel inactive; no breeding female available- neaktyvus veislynas, šiuo metu nėra kalės su leidimu veistis
Blood lines kraujo linijos
unknown nežinoma
Recent forum posts by naujausias pranešimas forume nuo
CzW-like mixes breeder CSV tipo miksų veisėjas
Mutt (mixed-breed) - !!!do not use for breeding!!! Mišrūnas ( maišytas su kita veisle) !!! nenaudoti veisimui !!!
(possibly) a Wolfdog from Non-FCI kennel; with not recognized pedigree - !!!do not use for breeding!!! (tikimybė) vilkšuniai iš NE-FCI veislyno, be pripažintų kilmės dokumentų !!! nenaudoti veisimui !!!
non-FCI breeder NE- FCI veisėjas
SUMMARIZED SHOW TITLES visi parodų titulai
World Junior Winner Pasaulio jaunimo nugalėtojas
Best Baby geriausias šuniukas
Class Winner klasės nugalėtojas
Derby Winner Derby nugalėtojas
Best Working dog geriausias darbinis šuo
National Winner šalies nugalėtojas
Most Titled dog of the Year labiausiai tituluotas metų šuo
Top Dog of the Year Metų Top Šuo
Best Veteran geriausias veteranas
BIS 1. (Veteran) BIS 1 (Veteranų)
No offsprings found in the database duomenų bazėje palikuonių nerasta
Jugendsieger Berlin Berlyno jaunimo nugalėtojas
Winner of Prag Prahos nugalėtojas
Winner of Central and East Europe Centrinės ir vakarų europos nugalėtojas
Working class darbinė klasė
Show results parodų rezultatai
Show date parodos data
Showed wolfodgs - dalyvavę vilkšuniai
Show name parodos pavadinimas
Poland Junior Winner Lenkijos jaunimo nugalėtojas
Poland Winner Lenkijos nugalėtojas
GSD breeder VA veisėjas
German Shepherd Dog Vokiečių aviganis
District Winner region nugalėtojas
long (coat) ilgis ( kailis)
half long pusiau ilgas
You have to be registered in order to upload photos Jūs turite būti prisiregistravęs, kad galėtumėte įkelti nuotrauką
Contact languages kontaktas kalbomis
Kennel name veislyno pavadinimas
More contact info daugiau informacijos
WWW www
City miestas
Country šalis
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees veislynas, veisiantis šunis su FCI (ar pripažintais) dokumentais
Coming litter: būsima vada
Photo: nuotrauka
Information about parents informacija apie tėvus
Showing 1 to 30 of 4262 entries rodoma nuo 1 iki 30 iš 4262 įrašų
Earliest date of pick up: anksčiausia data paėmimui
Show more information about this litter parodyti daugiau informacijos apie šią vadą
This dog does not have any show titles yet... šis šuo neturi jokio titulo iš parodų
Wolfdog's Gallery vilkšunių galerija
All photos in the gallery visos nuotraukos galerijoje
Photos: 4846 nuotraukos :4846
17001 wolfdogs, 8281 owners, 1948 breeders 17001 vilkšunių, 8281 savininkų, 1948 veisėjai
Your current access level: Jūsų esamas prisijungimo lygis
Winner of the European CsW Show Europinės CSV parodos nugalėtojas
BOG 2. (Puppy) BOG2 ( mažyliai)
BIS 2. (Baby) BIS 2 (šuniukai)
BIS 1. (Veteran) BIS 1 ( veteranai)
BOG 3. (Junior) BOG 3 (jaunimas)

yukidomari 06-09-2011 23:33

Thanks! if there seems to be increased interest coming from the pacific rim, i'll be glad to help with japanese & mandarin work. right now i don't think there's much need, though.

mijke 07-09-2011 00:16

Dutch translation was already added in moderator messages.
@Admin: if you wish I also can add this here

admin 07-09-2011 00:24


Originally Posted by mijke (Bericht 402177)
Dutch translation was already added in moderator messages.
@Admin: if you wish I also can add this here

No problem - I will take them

Nebulosa 07-09-2011 01:28

I did as Mijke :)

Priska182 07-09-2011 03:10

I saw that only Moderator helps you with the translation of the new web site but... If you need some help with the French translation let me know, it will be a pleasure to help you to build the new web site :)
Thanks again for your work :)

Vaiva 07-09-2011 09:33


Originally Posted by wolfin (Bericht 402166)
CzW-like mixes breeder CSV tipo miksų veisėjas

"CSV tipo mišrūnų veisėjas" would be a correct version :)

admin 12-09-2011 20:24

Translators needed...
Soon we will start to add the old and new articles. It will be very easy to translate them into your native languages.

So if anybody of you has the will and time to make some translation please contact me.

Whom we need: everybody who is able to translate a text WORD BY WORD (we need exact translations - the context can not be changed). All languages are welcome!

Remember - nobody will control you: you will translate what you want and when you want. If you will have no time nobody will say anything against you.

If you are interested please contact me - write me what you will to translate. For example:
English -> Russian
German -> Russian
Polish -> Czech
You will be added to the group of translators and you will be infromed about any text posted (in this case for example in English, German and Polish). You will have the possibility to translate it.

Please spread it on our language versions - the translators do not need to know English!

Morian 12-09-2011 20:29

english, german, slovak -> russian... :)

Margo 12-09-2011 20:45

I would like to add one more thing - for every language there can be more people who will translate the articles. It would be even better ;) Less work for one person... :)

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