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fernando 27-01-2011 13:19

Presentation Y'Byron Lupus Ibericus and web page

This is my first message in wolfdog forum. sorry my bad english, i'm rusty.

My girlfriend (hazaria in this forum) and me live in Madrid, Spain, with ours three dogs, two mixes, Yambo (13 years old), Lola (6 years old) and Byron (Y'Byron Lupus Ibericus), a CzW (3,5 mouths), son of Yvain Crying Wolf and Emba Von Der Wolfsranch.

We were study this breed and its peculiarities during one age complete. At the beginning of the last year 2010, we chose a breeder and its Y litter. Finally, Byron came at home in December.


We would like to invite you to our web page https://sites.google.com/site/byronp...ochecoslovaco/, in spanish. In witch we collect activities with Byron and his evolution, photos and videos. And general info about this breed with its phisical, behavior, origins and more.

Photo Gallery: http://picasaweb.google.com/109049507768953248209

Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ByronLup...s?feature=mhsn

We hope you like.

Silvester 27-01-2011 14:35

Greetings to Espana !
Holà Fernando !

Interesting what you are writing , I´m the owner of Zeus Lupus Ibericus, the half -brother of your dog from Emba`s first litter.

I´ve just sendet an E- Mail to your private mail- adress, please have a look.

Best wishes to you , adios

Uli from Germany alias "Silvester"

fernando 27-01-2011 17:47

Hi Sivester, i replied to your private mail.

Best wishes to you too.

buidelwolf 27-01-2011 19:51

Hello Fernando,

Your little dog looks wonderful, He's from a very special combination too!

Good luck with your dog!

Juniorwolf 27-01-2011 20:51

nice puppy :)

fernando 28-01-2011 10:08

Thanks to all.

carlos2207 29-01-2011 02:31

This is his sister Yana Lupus Ibericus

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

carlos2207 29-01-2011 02:36

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

carlos2207 29-01-2011 02:48

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

fernando 29-01-2011 20:42

Hi, Carlos.

Its pretty.


tupacs2legs 30-01-2011 02:05

what gorgeous looking puppies :smileyb

Silvester 02-02-2011 18:33

Originally posted by tupacs2legs :

"what gorgeous looking puppies :smileyb "

Yeah, i can only agree to this - it´s my opinion too !

Best greetings to you , Carlos - you breeded another fine litter again, Yana and Y´Byron are really very nice looking...and you made excellent photos !

And to you, Fernando - i will write to you private mail /answer when i have little more time, ok ? Thanks to your mail to me.

Best wishes and regards

Uli alias Silvester from Germany

kaiku 02-02-2011 22:13

Hi Fernando,

Congratulations for Y'Byron, is really nice, and do you make a fantastic work with he.

Carlos fantastic pics of Yana. I'm very happy with she. :)


fernando 03-08-2011 00:33

Hello everyone

Long time since i wrote here. Byron has 9,5 months. His health is very good and we love his character, very loving, tenacious…

However, from the two last weeks, he has had a regression in their socialization. Not's very exagerate, but it's visible. When we took with two months he had problems with large vehicles (buses, trucks, etc) and new environments too that became more "sensitive". The work solved it quickly, but lately we seems to have taken a step back. We are worked very very very much the socialization of Byron continuously, and we are surprise this step back because we can't associate any situation to Byron recede at the same time the two problems at once. I would like to hear your experiences, i read in this forum and French section can be fairly a stage for the CZW in the age of Byron, who comes and goes suddenly and it coincides with the adolescence. Yet,we will work with Byron whatever is needed. It's a challenge we love and enjoy.

There are some videos of our work with Byron, training, games, sociality, etc.

Mini-videos first part

Mini-videos second part

Work with Byron first part

Byron in the pool


Byron in shows

Byron trainnig

And the first spanish monographic (long)

This is the youtube channel

And Picasa web

Pleeeease, sorry my english…. and grettings to all.


Vaiva 03-08-2011 10:53

I might look unpolite again, but... maybe we all should create a separate topic for every dog of ours? :rock_3 Our dogs are of course special - everyone is most special for his owner...

fernando 03-08-2011 11:44


Originally Posted by Vaiva (Bericht 398273)
I might look unpolite again, but... maybe we all should create a separate topic for every dog of ours? :rock_3 Our dogs are of course special - everyone is most special for his owner...

Perhaps it should not be in this forum, but in witch? if the administrator thinks this thread should not be in here, please move it.

I don't unterstand. I never said that my dog is more special than others. What's the problem. ¿the videos or the behavior question?

Vaiva 03-08-2011 11:49


Originally Posted by fernando (Bericht 398280)
Perhaps it should not be in this forum, but in witch? if the administrator thinks this thread should not be in here, please move it.

I don't unterstand. I never said that my dog is more special than others. What's the problem. ¿the videos or the behavior question?

No problems at all. Just people usually create topics like "Funny photos", or "Videos with CsW", or topics, where everyone can speak about the problems they face growing a wolfdog puppy, or a topic about some health problem - usually not the topic about one dog ;) Unless this dog is really important for the breed, has been a great stud or achieved some amazing training results, etc.

Speaking about the behaviour question, you just mentioned it is a step back - but did not mention what really happends: is your dog afraid of other people? Or is he getting less obedient? Or smth else?

fernando 03-08-2011 12:15

I agree. Thanks Vaiva. I'll remember for the next. I used the same thread to not open several.

About the problem. Large vehicles that make a lot of noise affect much to him. We are working every two days and seems that is improving. In news environments, that does not know becomes more sensitive in general. It's something that happened when he was a puppy, and that soluciont working. But whats surprises me is now this step-back in both problen at once and suddenly. I want to now if the other dogs of this breed have the same experience and his impact in the future. Does it only occur during adolescence? We will continue to working with him on everything that happens in the future but this info would be very useful.

Thanks again!!!

Vaiva 03-08-2011 12:31


Originally Posted by fernando (Bericht 398285)
About the problem. Large vehicles that make a lot of noise affect much to him. We are working every two days and seems that is improving. In news environments, that does not know becomes more sensitive in general. It's something that happened when he was a puppy, and that soluciont working. But whats surprises me is now this step-back in both problen at once and suddenly. I want to now if the other dogs of this breed have the same experience and his impact in the future. Does it only occur during adolescence? We will continue to working with him on everything that happens in the future but this info would be very useful.

Thanks again!!!

I am not a trainer, nor I have a big experience with dogs, but it allways seems to me, that the shyness or fear of something appears when the dog does not have a good enought connection with his owner. If a dog totally trusts the owner - the alpha of the wolves pack - he knows that nobody and nothing will harm them. The problem is - wolfdogs, different from many other breeds, do not have a "natural respect" for people, you have to earn it. Having in mind, that his age is "teenage" now and he might have a value crisis... :lol:
My dog had different problem when she was at about same age as your dog is now - she lost the interest in people, only wanted to play with dogs. Once she tried to ignore me and just run around in a playfull manier, so when I finally cought her I was soooooo angry :evil: So I decided it is my time to become her only one - for month or two she had no games with other dogs, only with me, long walks on leash, some training, lots of socialisation. And it helped. Maybe your dog is also now in doubt if you are worth his trust? ;-)

But it is not a recomendation or what, just my opinion and experience.

fernando 05-08-2011 09:56

Well, i don't replied to your comment as found documentation specifies about this problem. The reference is Joël Dehasse, 1994. Desarrollo sensorial, emocional y social del perro joven (in spanish). publish in The bulletin foro veterinary clinical ethology, vol 2, nº 1-2, pp 6,29, 1994 (Bruselas).

His name in psicology is "pre-puberty sensibility". This problem affect to all breeds, It have a genetic factor so it may affect some breeds more than others and some families more than others.

Before puberty, our dogs are a sensitive period, like puppies over 5 weeks. In this period they can recover old fears or emerge new. We can't prevent this period. Only with early neutering (shown by the experiments) So it means a hormonal source.

Previous work soften the traumas caused at this time. The work of socialization should be repeated during. And most importantly, the sensitivty is temporary, but not the traumas. We must work to eliminate them.

Thanks Vaiva for your opinions.

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